Edmond Clarke (E. C.) de Fonseka MBE md Evangeline Fernando (daughter of W. A. Fernando).
- Major Edmund Clarence de Fonseka MBE (E.C. Jnr) md Bertha De Silva, daughter of Dr. K. J. De Silva, Moratuwa.
( Major E.C. de Fonseka was awarded the MBE (Military) on the 1st January 1949. He was commissioned as a 2/Lt in the Ceylon Light Infantry (CLI), 1924. As Captain, appointed Signaling Officer 1931, ADC to H. E. the Governor 1934, O/C HQ Wing 1936, as Major appointed Second in command 2nd Battalion CLI 1940. He was awarded the Efficiency Decoration (Ceylon) in 1944.)- Cynthia de Fonseka md Dr. L. S. Cyril Mendis.
- Dr Tilak de Fonseka Mendis md Dr. Neila Castro.
- Kumar de Fonseka Mendis md Carolyn Pelrine.
- Roweena de Fonseka md Walter Mendis (W.M Mendis of Rockland liquor).
- Malinee de Fonseka md Dr Trevor Fernando.
- Cynthia de Fonseka md Dr. L. S. Cyril Mendis.
- Erica de Fonseka md Conrad Boniface Peter Perera (Son of I. P. Perera).
- Sita Perera md Upatissa Hulugalle.
- Nihal Perera md Florence McArdle.
- Nalini Perera md Dr. Nihal Abeysundera.
- Dr Lallith Perera md Dr. Selvie Selvanayagam.
- Kamini Perera md Rohan de Soyza.
- Ruchindra Perera.

ARCADIA – The home that lent it’s name to Arcadia Gardens.
March 9, 2017
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Arcadia as painted in the early 1930’s by Otto Scheinhammer (see footnote

Ascot Avenue
March 9, 2017
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This posh residential area in Colombo owes its name to race horse

E. C. de Fonseka and the Royal Star & Garter Home
February 26, 2017
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In 1922, the Star and Garter Home in Richmond-Upon-Thames, UK, was the beneficiary