Dutch Records No 2

Deed of gift of a plot of ground named Alegiduriawatta, situated in the aforesaid village of Calamulla, and covering in area 204 square perches, granted by and to the same persons and on the same date as above.

By the Governor and Director of this Island of Ceylon, And by his Council;

In virtue of their commission, is granted and assigned in full ownership to Bras de Andrado resident of this place a defined plot of land, named Alegiduriawatta already planted by him with coconut trees, and numbered 186 on the plan, situated in the village of Callamulla towards the west of the Kalutara district, of such extent and situation as are shown by the survey carried out by the land surveyor Jacob Steevensz and delineated in the annexed plan;

With full power to retain hereditary possession of the said plot of land and its trees, and to lease sell or alienate it as he shall think fit, except to Moors or heathens ; under such servitude and taxes as are already imposed thereon on behalf of the Hon. Company or may hereafter be imposed;

Covenanting therefore in the name of the said Company to warrant and defend the abovementioned plot of land in such manner as is fitting;

Wherefore are these presents confirmed with their seal.

Given in the Castle of Colombo, on the last day of August in the year 1687. By order of H. E. the Governor and Council afore named.

                                                    LAURENS PIJL,
                                                    cs. Alebos.


This plot of land delineated above, numbered 186 and named Alegiduriawatta is situated In the village of Callamulla, towards the west of the Kalutara District, bounded on the North by the property of the Hon. Reynier de Vos, on the East by the tank, on the South by the property of the widow of Hans Jurgen, and on the West by the beach ; in width along the northern side a-b, East North East 33 perches, along the eastern side b-c, NNW,2 degree West 40 perches; c-d, ENE, one degree East 38~- perches; and from d to a, 41 perches; covering in area two morgen, 204 square perches;

Surveyed by me on behalf of Bras de Andrado to be possessed by him and his heirs in their line of descent, failing which it should revert to the Hon’ble Company.

                                                     Colombo, the 25th August in the year 1687. 
                                                     J. B. STEVENSZ,
                                                     Cadet Surveyor.