Three short instruments in Malabar, executed by Bras de Andrado certain goods which he donates to his above mentioned daughter, with the translation thereof annexed.

No 1 – Translation from the Tamil
On the 15th of June in the year one thousand 695 after the birth of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, I Bras de Andrado have promised to my daughter Barbara de Andrado for her marriage portion the sum of 400 Rds and have gifted to her a garden named Alludawatta;
and towards meeting the said amount have given her a garden named Cailwatta, worth 100 Rds, situated by Angulawatta, together with jewels of the value of 80 Rds as well as a sum of 100 Rds deposited at the Orphan Chamber;
and I still remain under obligation to make up 120 more Rds which money I promise to pay, to which end I have executed and delivered over three presents to the Pattangatyn Francisco Pieris.
Below stood-Signed Bras DE ANDRADO,
No 2 – Translation of another Tamil Deed
On the 16th of October in the year 1 thousand 695 after the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I Bras de Andrado resident of Kalutara have presented, as a marriage portion a garden of a hundred Rds and Jewels of the value of 80 Rds, also 100 Rds deposited at the Orphan Chamber and remain still under obligation to furnish 120 Rds, which money I promise to pay within the space of 6 years, in addition to which I have gifted away the garden named Taladewatte and Paragiatotam, together with 2 female slaves named Maria and Sabina to serve my daughter so long as she remains in this world,
Below Stood-Signed Brass DE ANDRADO,
No 3 – Translation of another Tamil Document
On the 12th of November in the year 1695 after the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, I Bras de Andrado, resident of Kalutara have promised to my daughter as a marriage portion the sum of 400 Rds ; and this money I promise to pay as soon as the husband of my daughter Barbara de Andrado comes to claim it. Besides this, I have given my daughter the gardens situated by Callamula, named Angulawatta and Parangiwatta. And I have executed and handed over this document from the consideration that on producing the same she can benefit from the gardens. Moreover, my daughter abovenamed shall after my death inherit all my goods and slaves except two lads named Kadiren and Joan who have been set free by me.
Below stood-Signed Bras DE ANDRADO,
Lower stood Translated by us in the Castle of Colombo, the 22nd X’ber 1702;
Signed: LAUR RODRIGOS & D. Dias
No 4 – Translation from the Tamil
On the 12th of November in the year 1695 after the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, I Bras de Andrado acknowledge that I have promised to my daughter Barbara de Andrado as a marriage portion the sum of 400 Rds together with 2 gardens named Angulawatta situated by Callamula, and Parangiwatta and, when her husband comes to claim the said money I hold myself then bound to pay him the amount. Likewise, shall my daughter above mentioned, after my death, inherit all my goods and slaves, ( except two lads Kadiren and Joan who have been set free by me ); to which end I have executed this document and confirmed it with my usual signature.
Below stood –
Signed Bras DE ANDRADO
Translation thereof (Dutch)