The outer entrance to this historic city has been in the vicinity of the present day Siri Kotha building, near the Pita Kotte junction. This entrance which had its own gate and protection, was situated some distance away from the inner gate of the city known as the Magul Doratuwa (and protected by the ‘Athul Diya Agala’).
This outer entrance was protected by a granite rampart and a second moat known as the ‘Pita Diya Agala’ (the outer moat). The entire granite rampart is lost and has been removed over years to make roads and bridges. However traces of the remains of the moat could be found today near ‘Sri Kotha’, the head office of the United National Party, in close proximity to the Pita Kotte Junction. Part of the moat on both sides of the road has been filled up to serve as car parks.
The Archaeological Department has however managed to keep the moat area clear of any constructions. Today the area is kept clean and is well maintained by the authorities. However as the below images depict, this was not the case in 2003 when this website first visited the place. The moat was overgrown with trees and weeds and was virtually a dumping ground for rubbish. It was said that kabok remains could be seen within this jungle of weeds. The pictures below were taken around 2003 after a partial cleanup of the eastern side (Sri Kotha side) by the Archaeological Department.
Additional Photographs:
(a) The west side of the moat, across the Kotte Road 2003.
(b) A close up of the west side of the overgrown and abandoned outer moat (2003).
(c) The view towards the east (Sri Kotha side, before the cleanup 2003).
(d) The view towards the west (2003).
Location Map – (No 8):