A kaleidoscope of people called ‘De Fonseka’, their inimitable stories, their often colliding nature, the ones who made it, the ones who did not, their successes, their failures, their triumphs and their agonies…..these are their stories, collected and written down before their disappear from the world forever.
This page contains the significant contributions they made to the society, their achievements, stories of interest, the books they wrote, what they created and lost, personal communications, family lore, anecdotes and memories of people and events. These are the stories that has come down over the generations or has lain buried in diaries or publications, until dug out and presented by this website. Some stories have been gathered from personal interviews, from people no longer with us. While most of the stories are verified with supporting documentation garnered from multiple sources, some are based purely on personal communications.

Collected works of J. P de Fonseka
The Collected Works of J. P. De Fonseka J. P. De Fonseka

Lionel de Fonseka – Aesthete from the East
Lionel Stanislaus William Edgar de Fonseka (born 27 October 1889) was the

A Question of Substance. (1658).
Michael de Fonseka, the earliest recorded ‘de Fonseka’ raised the most acute question

Arise, Sir Susantha
Kalutaravedage Deepal Susantha de Fonseka was born at the turn of the

The D’Andrado Slaves
The D’andrado Slaves Judging by the evidence collected, it is evident that

The Ladies’ Lady
An article honoring Bertha de Fonseka at the centennial celebration of Ladies

The story of Pat Gooneratna
“Salgado Bakery had a running account for him where the bills were

The Babylon Stakes
In his book ‘Running in the Family’, Booker Prize winning author Michael

Menaka de Fonseka Sahabandu
Menaka de Fonseka Sahabandu – Personality of the Week; by Ilika Karunaratne.

Selestina Dandrado (nee De Silva).
Death Notice including the chief mourners and the attendees from the ‘Ceylon

They sought the Vote
Young Nimal de Fonseka now 77, witnessed the making of history. From

DPL who won all hearts
Jinadasa Fernando Gunasekera Ceylon Daily News, 24th March, 1988. Greatness was virtually

The ‘De Fonseka’ role in the Freedom Struggle
Reminiscing February 1948 with rare Archival Records Reminiscing February 1948 The first

Lyriothemis defonsekai
The story of the pioneer dragonfly researcher in Sri Lanka Joining the

Fruits of Virtue – An Early History of St. Joseph’s College
The above book written by Avishka Seneviratne and Dr. Srilal Fernando, explore