F. S. DE FONSEKA (Obituary from Ceylon Catholic Messenger, March 2, 1926)
The death occurred last Thursday of Mr. F S de Fonseka Head Clerk of the Assessor’s Department of the Colombo Municipality. Mr. De Fonseka was ailing for some time having undergone an operation at the General Hospital in last October, His condition was decidedly better thereafter and was improving until suddenly last Thursday morning when his case became serious and about four o’clock in the morning he passed away very peacefully fortified by the last Sacraments of the Church which were administered by Rev. Fr. Goury O.M.I, of Wadduwa assisted by Rev. Fr. C V Croos O.M I. Principal of Holy Cross Kalutara. At the moment of his death he was surrounded by his next of kin.
Mr. de Fonseka was for the last 38 years a servant of the Colombo Municipal Council and at the time of his death he was Chief Clerk of the Assessor’s Department. He was very efficient in assessment work and had won the high esteem of his superiors who had time over again recommended him to the Mayor as most suitable for any local Honours. Mr. de Fonseka belonged to a very ancient family whose stronghold has been in Kalutara for the past 100 years and over. He was the son of Muhandiram John H de Fonseka Gate-Mudaliyar and great-great grandson of Johannes de Fonseka who was awarded a gold medal by Governor Brownrigg in 1815, He is a brother of Mudaliyar H F de Fonseka of Horton Place and of Mr. E C de Fonseka M.B.C. who is now away in England. ,
He leaves behind two sons and two daughters and several brothers and sisters to bemoan his loss, Messrs J P de Fonseka B.A. (Hens. English) Professor in English of St. Joseph’s College, J B de Fonseka Proctor (sons), Mrs. Francis de Fonseka and Miss Dora de Fonseka (daughters). Mr. Francis de Fonseka Proctor S.C. and Notary Public (son-in-law).and Mrs. E P M Fernando (mother-in-law) Mudaliyar F F de Fonseka;(brother), Mr. E C de Fonseka M.B.E. (brother), Mr. A W de Fonseka, Mr, Luke de Fonseka, Misses Louise and Maggie de Fonseka’, and Mrs. L G Fernando.
At 5 p.m. sharp Very Rev. Fr. C E Fonseka assisted by Rev. Frs. C V Croos O.M.I. Principal Holy Cross, Don Theodore de Silva O.M.I., G. Joseph Perera O.M.I., P Monnier of St. Joseph s College and Rev. Fr. D J William Manager of the CATHOLIC MESSENGER Press, conducted the ceremonies at the House. Afterwards the procession wended its way to the Church of St. John the Baptist where a further ceremony was held by the Rev. Fr. Don Theodore de Silva O.M.I. The street leading up to the Church was decorated with black banners, etc. Then the coffin was carried to the Roman Catholic Burial Grounds by the closest relatives of the deceased and at the gate-way the following acted as Pall bearers:
- C S Orr, Municipal Assessor.
- J Aloysius Fernando, Crown Proctor.
- G de Alwis Chairman UDC.
- B D H Philip.
- Mudaliyar H F de Fonseka.
After the usual service which was conducted by Rev. Fr. P Monnier, the coffin was lowered to the grave.
The rows of boutiques most of which belonged to the deceased, were closed as a mark of respect to the deceased gentleman. There was a very large attendance.
The following wreathe were placed on the coffin:
- To dearest father with love from Sonnie.
- To my dearest father with love from Bernard.
- To my dearest father with love from Doth.
- In affectionate remembrance from Ranie and Grace.
- With fond love from Louisa and Maggie.
- In undying remembrance from Emmie, Hilda and Condrad.
- With deep affection, from Albert and Luke.
- With fond love from Edmund and Eva.
- With love from Clarence and Bertha.
- With love from Harry, Alice and children.
- In affectionate remembrance from mother-in-law.
- With deep sympathy from Mr and Mrs Bennet Abeysekera.
- With deepest sympathy from the Staff of the Municipal Assessor’s Department.
- With sincere sympathy from Mr and Mrs C S Orr.
- In token of remembrance from Captain and Mrs E Q Eastman.
Digital copy of this obituary notice extracted from the National Archives and provided by Avishka Senewiratne