This page collates and presents an extensive list of material gathered about the Karava caste, as we pursued the elusive past of our ancestors. The De Fonseka families were part of the Karava caste, and the information garnered from these sources gives us a holistic understanding of the past, and to the possible paths, the ancestors may have taken.
The material reproduced here reflect the views of the original authors and is reproduced as-is. They have been extracted from old books, caste pamphlets and newspaper articles published many decades ago, and the relevant publications and authors, have been mentioned where known.

The Origin Of Caste
These letters written by Mohotti Mudaliyar F. E. Gooneratna to the Ceylon

Karava – The early history
The early historical references of the Karava in Ceylon, up to and

Karava – The recent history
The Karava History from the arrival of the Dutch, to the British

Rise of the Karava in the pre Plantation Economy
The rise of the Karava during a time of expanding commercial opportunities

Rise of the Karava: The transition to a Plantation Economy
The meteoric rise of the Karava during the great economic expansion of

The Karava swords
Extract from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch) Vol.

The Karava Flag
This well researched article, written in 1921 by Lionel de Fonseka, is

Karava ‘Ge’ Names
The ‘Ge’ names of the Karava explained. The institution of the ‘Ge’

Kaurava greats of Yesteryear
From the time of Vijaya to the British Period, a list of

Karava Mudaliyars and Muhandirams during the British Period.
Hon. Governor North employed a member of the Karava caste, one of

Antonio Baretto; the Prince of Uva.
Antonio Baretto, the legend, his military exploits and bravery is mentioned in

The Maravar Suitor
Romance Revisited . . . it wasn’t his bride he found.This story

The Manampitiya Banner
Another important flag of the Karave is known as the ‘Manampitiya Banner’,

The Sacred Bodhi, It’s arrival and those connected with it.
The Sri Maha Bodhi, the oldest tree in the world, still venerated

The Varnakula Addittiya Arasanilayitta Clan
A Karava Wedding Of the three great Suriya Clans of the Kaurawa

Karava Caste Phamplets
Don Manuel D’Anderado, Mudaliyar. The Hero of’ Jaffnapattam 1658Some Karava caste pamphlets

Caste system in Ceylon
Caste system in CeylonA Study of the Caste System prevalent among the

The Karava Marriage “Cartels”
A Study of the inter marriages between the dominant karava families, and

Patangatims; The traditional sub-kings of Sri Lanka
Patabendigé Kings, Rulers and Sub Kings.This article by Raaj de SIlva explores the

The ancient ‘Kaurava Pavilion’ at Anuradhapura
by Raaj de Silva The migrations of the Karava clans are mostly
COMMENTS by F. B. Wijayanayaka In this series of articles written by
Kshatriya Fishers and Their Counterparts
Any misapprehension regarding them is due to utter ignorance says Gustavus Jayewardene.
This site does not promote the cause of any race, religion, caste or any other reason, which is generally viewed as an unethical or distasteful trait or manner of conduct. The caste information is included in this website for information purposes, and portrays the views of the original authors. The site does not in any way espouse or imply the supremacy of one race or caste over another.